Skywoman Self-Care Bundle
This Bundle contains 4 products all in Skywoman, which is perfect for those spa nights. Pamper yourself from head to toe Skywoman.
• 1 - 8oz Skywoman Lotion ($28)
• 1 - 4oz Skywoman Mist ($20)
• 1 - 5oz Skywoman Body Scrub ($18)
• 1 - 4oz Skywoman Soap ($14)
Total value of products is $80 for $70 [save $10] when purchased as a bundle 😊
Inspiration: In Haudenosaunee culture, the story of Earth's creation is that of a woman who fell from SkyWorld, who became known as Skywoman. The planet was just an endless sea. She descended onto a giant turtle's back aided by birds. Using a small bit of mud from the bottom of the sea, she sang and danced until a great land had been created that she called Turtle Island.